The Espresso Clean By Cafetto is one of the best traditional espresso machine group cleaners. By Following your standard coffee machines backwahs process, this power cleans all excess coffee build up & opls from your espresso group.
NSF Certified - P152
This Means, the espresso clean & active agens will not taint your coffee taste & guarantees it is not corrosive to the espresso machine.
Before Using Any Cleaning Agent, Ensure it is the correct type for your equipment.
Espresso Clean Backwash Powder (Cafetto)
The Following Guide Is Provided By Cafetto You Can View Cafetto Guidelines Here
Backwash / Backflush Espresso Machine Groups:
- Remove coffee filter from group handle, and replace with blind filter.
- For daily cleaning add 1 level scoop of Espresso Clean® into the group handle and insert as if brewing espresso. If the machine is cleaned less often, use 2 level scoops.
- Start cycle and allow to run for 10 seconds to dissolve cleaner.
- Stop cycle and allow to sit for 10 seconds.
- Start and stop cycle 4 more times - run for 10 seconds, stop for 10 seconds.
- Remove the group handle and rinse well under stream of water from delivery group. Turn off.
- Re-insert handle with blind filter, start and stop cycle 10 times - run for 5 seconds, stop for 2 seconds to ensure thorough rinsing.
- Remove blind filter and insert regular filter.
- Brew and discard a single espresso to re-season machine.
Clean Espresso Group Handles
- Soak group handles and filters in 500ml of hot water with 2 teaspoons of Espresso Clean® Espresso Machine Cleaner for 10 minutes.
- Rinse thoroughly in running hot water.