The Ultimate Hario Cold Brew Kit!
This Package is the combination of the popular Hario Mizudashi & Hario Skerton Coffee Grinder.
The Skerton grinder by Hario is a great manual coffeee grinder that prodivdes great functionality & adjustability. You also have great consisitency with the skerton hand grinding function & process.
These two paired together is the ultimte hario cold brew kit. This kit also includes a set of hario filter papers to get you going & making greatcold brew coffee at home.
Hario Mizudashi -
The Hario Brew Pot is a great way to make smooth, crisp & tasty coffee brew which is easy to make & can keep you going all day. The Mizudashi is a elegant and effective way to produce high quality cold brewed coffee at home. What's great about cold brew is the simplicity of use & the ability to bring out rich, crisp & smooth coffee. Brewing coffee using the Miudashi makes a crisp cup which contains less than half the acids of traditional hot brewing methods. It's Easy, Tasty & Healthy.
COLD BREW KIT B With Hario Mizudashi & Hario Skerton Hand Grinder
Availible in;
- 1 Litre
- 600 Millimetres